
Hi!  I am so glad you are here!  My name is Jessica Meinardus aka Hot Mess Meinardus.  I am a child of God, wife to a hardworking man, and homeschooling mom to 5 amazing kids.

My husband Joel & I recently built a beautiful farm house- he literally built most of it himself! He and I both enjoy DIY projects and the house has been our biggest one.  Did I mention we all lived in a camper while we built the house?  Our kids range in age from 15 to 1.  There are 2 boys, 3 girls.  When we aren’t at church, soccer games, or classical conversations you can find us exploring outside and enjoying nature.  We love family movie night and adventures.

I love to capture memories with my camera and equally love sharing those memories.  Pictures are a big part of our everyday.  I love coffee, vintage things, anything floral, community, and self discovery.  God has called me to share and encourage, by being transparent and venerable about life.  I hope you will subscribe and keep up with this journey!

I love to hear from YOU so don’t be shy, comment or shoot me an email!